Data analysis of death due to heat wave in IndiaMore than 20000 lives lost due to heat wave in India

Heat Wave in India : India has lost More than 20,000 lives in since year 2000 due to heat wave or heat stroke as per ADSI data. Data reveals that Andhra Pradesh has lost 1785 people in last 9 years since 2014.  Team India In Facts has analyzed the data of last 23 years to prepare state wise data of heat wave casualties as well.


  • What is Heat Wave ?
  • India lost 20000 lives due to heat wave in last 23 years 
  • Andhra Pradesh is Heat wave Capital of India
  • Why Andhra Pradesh lost so many lives due to Heat Wave ?
  • Why High Temperature coupled with Humidity becomes fatal ?
  • Why Heat Wave is so Fatal ?

What is Heat Wave ?

As per India Meteorological Department (IMD),  Heat wave is considered if maximum temperature of a station reaches at least 40 degree  or more for Plains and at least 30 degrees or more for Hilly regions.

India lost 20000 lives due to heat wave in last 23 years 

India lost more than 20000 people since 2000. However in last few year, number of heat wave deaths have come down, but it is fluctuating. In the year 2016 India reported highest number of deaths (1908). However in the year 2021 was best year of century as only 374 heat wave related deaths have been reported.

Andhra Pradesh is the Heat Wave Deaths Capital of India  

Curiously, Andhra Pradesh has reported the highest number of deaths due to heat wave since 2014. The year 2014 was selected due to bifurcation of state in the year 2013. In last 9 year , there are more than 9000 people died due to heat wave. Andhra Pradesh has suffered the most as almost 1/5 (18 %) of total death.

Why Andhra Pradesh lost so many lives due to Heat Wave ?

Andhra Pradesh has faced the highest numbers of heatwave days in last 10 years , barring Rajasthan as reported by Times of India. In addition to high temperature, few other factors were also affect the casualties such as measure taken up by authorities and humidity of the region as well. Heat waves have caused more deaths than any other natural disaster in Andhra Pradesh.

In 2015, Andhra Pradesh has lost record 654 lives due to heat wave. But in following years, the State Disaster Management Authority has initiated some proactive measures such as  to minimise the casualties as per National Disaster Management  Authority (NDMA) guidelines. Due to sustained efforts, despite having similar temperature and humidity in the year 2017 and 2019, the number of deaths in Andhra Pradesh has reduced from 236 in 2017 to 28 in 2019.

Why High Temperature coupled with Humidity becomes fatal ?

Worldwide, combination of maximum temperature and relative humidity are used to assess the impact of heat wave conditions. As per hand book of Energy on the hand book of Energy Conscious Buildings by Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy, GOI, indicates the zones of human comfort based on ambient temperature, humidity, mean radiant temperature, wind speed, solar radiation and evaporative cooling.

Normally the temperature around 25º C and the humidity 45% are the comfort zones. Any increase in these values leads to different levels of discomfort.

The Human body can tolerate environmental temperature of 37°C, beyond that the body starts gaining heat from the atmosphere. In the case of humidity being high along with high temperature, a person can suffer from heat stress disorders even with the temperature at 37° or 38° C.

Why Heat Wave is so Fatal ?

Heat Waves typically causes dehydration, heat cramps, heat exhaustion  and heat stroke. They all have different signs and symptoms which are as follows.

  1. Heat Cramps: This condition generally occurs when temperature is below 39 degree. One may feel Ederna (swelling) and Syncope (Fainting).
  2. Heat Exhaustion: In this condition, body feels fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headache and nausea. One can also face muscle cramps and  vomiting as well.
  3. Heat Stoke: It is potential fatal condition. Temperature of human body rises above 40 degree along with delirium, seizures or coma.

General Election in India from April 19 to June 1

On April 12 this year PM Modi reviewed India's heat preparedness plan. Earlier this month India Meteorological Department (IMD) had a forecasted 'above normal' temperatures in central  and western peninsular India. The Election Commission of India has also come up with  list of Do’s and Dont’s to reduce the impact of heat wave.  Advisories were suggested by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).


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